Thursday, 16 January 2014

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text? 

CD Cover and Magazine ad 

Shots from music video

In our music video we had a number of shots including a base track in a greenland theme. unlike the rest of my group who had a black white and grey theme i decided to have a different theme because i felt that it would be to simple. my ancillary products linked to my video as you can see above with the arist singing in a park in addition to the scenery shots the reason for using this aspect in my ancillary is that i think the camera work and edits gave a good visual of these shots which made me want to use this for my CD cover. In our planning stages as a group we decided that a watch would symbolise our artist throughout our project, i used this synergy on my CD cove and magazine ad as you can clearly see his watch on his wrist.

The other group members used a black ad white theme for their ancillary products. i think that both themes work with the music video as it has a mixture of both themes through the base tracks and scenary shots.

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